What our clients say about us
Story Wealth Management are a boutique firm, with an award winning team of highly-skilled financial planners, and a close-knit support team based in Hawthorn. We are united in our concern for our clients’ financial wellbeing, and a desire to help them create the life they want.
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What our clients say about us

A client success story…

How would you feel if you won an around the world trip, all airfares paid, business class? Well, our clients, Marilyn and John have done just that and are thrilled to bits. John entered a competition sponsored by Qantas and had to describe a holiday destination in 25 words or less. As they say, you have to be in it to win it, and that’s exactly what happened.

It’s all very nice winning the airfares (valued in excess of $30,000) but then you have to get time off work, pay for accommodation and have funds over for eating and sight-seeing. As Marilyn said, “thank goodness for our savings and retirement planning – it’s allowed John to retire so we can enjoy our holiday without worrying.”

We love sharing these experiences with our clients – that’s what financial planning is all about!

What our clients say about us

Keeping our clients happy and financially secure is out key focus.
So what do they have to say about our people and our service?

“Over many years those who sought to advise me regarding my finances invariably tried to impose those ideas which appealed to them. Anne was recommended to me by my accountant and when I first saw her went to considerable lengths to establish what it was that I was seeking for my future, including in many areas which it had not occurred to me to consider, and then provided the advice to achieve that goal. As a consequence I retired last year in circumstances which I would never have achieved without her guidance. She was the only person who took the trouble to find out what was was important to me ad then to help me achieve that. 

– Trevor (2019)

“Before walking through the door of Story Wealth Management, I was feeling completely overwhelmed. After a recent separation and with my financial settlement pending, I was faced with some big decisions about the next steps, regarding my financial future.   Having limited knowledge and experience in this area, it was reassuring to have Anne Graham and her wonderful team talk me through the various options in such a way that gave me confidence to be able to make informed choices about which way to go.  It was very helpful to have a kind and sensitive team, who not only listened to me and assessed my needs and concerns, but have developed a financial plan for me, that will ensure my financial security up to retirement age and beyond.  I cannot recommend ‘Story Wealth Management’ highly enough, for their expertise and attention to detail.  I have valued their input and guidance enormously, and am looking forward to an ongoing relationship with them.”

– Rosemary (2018)

“My wife Rita and I came to McPhail’s financial planning for advice as they had come highly recommended by our accountant (who is also a client of McPhail’s). The first thing I noticed when I came to their offices was the number of awards Anne Graham had won as a financial planner. As we met with Anne and her team over a series of meeting, I came to understand why she had won these awards. We found Anne (and the team at McPhail’s) to be very warm and friendly but also highly professional and able to help us navigate our way through our many wishes and desires for our financial future. The final report they produced for us was very detailed but easy to read and digest and contained a wealth of knowledge to help us properly plan for our future. Overall we were very happy with our experience at McPhail’s and plan to have them advise us on our financial future going forward”

– S & R Russo (2015)

Re: Explaining Our Investment Process.
“Thank you for your newsletter in respect of the above. I found it very interesting and informative in language I could understand and relate to. Had I asked the question, as to what your philosophy is, in respect to attending to my interests, the content of your newsletter is what I would be hoping to hear. Thanks again and my best wishes to Anne Graham and her team in whom I have the fullest confidence.”

– J & D Anderson (2014)

“After putting off the decisions to engage a financial adviser for far too long, and a number of preliminary interviews with other advisers, I felt immediately comfortable with Anne when we met. She was obviously competent in her field, but was able to explain to us in terms that we could understand what our options were to strive towards our goals. She took an interest in our plans for moving to retirement and helped us to set up our financial affairs such that we are confident now that we will achieve this. She also advised us on insurances to ensure if something unexpected happened, we would still be in a position to progress. She is always ready to assist us to adjust our plans as our short term goals alter. And, she pro-actively advises when things change, so that we can make informed decisions about our financial future. I would highly recommend Anne to others.”

– S Jochheim (2013)

“My husband Tim and I first engaged the services of Anne Graham in 2010 when we were expecting our first child. Our priority in becoming parents was that we had appropriate insurance in place to ensure that if anything was to happen to either of us, we would be in a strong financial position to be able to care for our daughter. With minimal knowledge of the insurance policies we were after (life, trauma and income protection), it was refreshing to sit down with Anne and discuss what types of cover we would need, the best insurance policies and an adequate level of cover specific to us. Anne took the time to get a detailed understanding of our background and financial position to give the most appropriate advice. Most importantly to us was being able to go home and discuss it between ourselves, read through the policies in detail and then sit down with Anne again and discuss all questions we had. Anne’s availability to us during the time of taking up the policies allowed us to be comfortable in the decisions we were making. Regularly hearing from Anne ensures that we remain active in ensuring the level of protection we have suits our changing needs and knowing that she is always available to discuss our circumstances makes what could be a daunting issue very manageable. As we continue to work towards setting up for our financial future, we look forward to working with Anne to set appropriate and achievable financial goals and ensure our family is cared for financially. On a personal note, when I started my bookkeeping business after the birth of our daughter, Anne got in contact very early on and invited me in to meet her to see if there was anything she could do to assist with getting the business up and running. Her personal experiences and points of advice were fantastic and very helpful. A significant portion of my work came from following her suggestions on how to attract new clients, which has allowed me to build a successful business.”

– H Gargett (2013)

“Over the past 18 months my wife and I have worked closely with Anne Graham and the team at McPhail HLG Financial Planning to plan our future financial security. We have found Anne maintains a high professional business standard. She clearly explains sometimes difficult concepts for we, the non experts to comprehend, and patiently answers our many questions. When Anne commits to do something for us, it is reliably done. Anne has made herself readily available to us should we need further advice or questions answered. WE have found her to be open and honest with us regarding our current financial status and the achievement of future goals. Most importantly given the need for extended ongoing communication, Anne is friendly and pleasant to work with. Each time we conclude a meeting with Anne we leave with a feeling of relief… we now have a plan for our future. My wife and I may not accomplish all of our assigned plan tasks, and we certainly make adjustments. At the end of the day we have a plan which is on track, and that helps us sleep at night.”

– B Fowler (2013)

“Anne Graham has been our financial planner for the past four years. WE had a substantial sum of money to invest and had no idea what to do with it. We chose Anne based on a recommendation given by someone in the industry who rated her as being one of the best in the field. Anne, through her expertise and knowledge has increased our wealth base and has given us confidence and peace of money about our retirement. Anne has never hesitated to guide, recommend and help us through the mine of financial investments and has given us thoughtful advice, always been ready to listen to our concerns and act on them. We have recommended Anne on a number of occasions to friends and work colleagues.”

– D Swanwick (2013)

“Once again Anne congratulations for yet another prestige award, as the Securitor National Adviser of the year. We heartily endorse the views expressed in the early paras of the citation as they too are wholly applicable to our relationship with you. We value your counsel highly and thank you for your ongoing sound advice in achieving and maintaining our aims and look forward to a continuance of our friendly relationship for years to come. Again our congratulations on your well deserved award and we wish you continuing success in your career”

– J & D Anderson (2011)

“Hi this is to say congratulations on your latest award, Lorna and I are extremely pleased that we are in your safe and secure hands and to also thank David for introducing us to an industry leader, and a person that goes that extra bit to give there client a friendly and courteous service that is second to none, please accept our best wishes on a job extremely well done and thank your staff for advising us of your great win”

– S & L Lee Kim (2011)

“…I was impressed with Anne’s professionalism, ability to listen and her subject knowledge. Anne clearly listened to our requirements, asked the right questions and in particular understood what advice we did not want as much as what advice we did want… The other large selling point that led us to use Anne was McPhail’s policy of providing service based on flat fees rather than commissions from suppliers”

– P Gargett (2009)

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on 8560 3188 for a Confidential Chat and Enjoy Peace of Mind About Tomorrow